Article on Richmond & Twickenham Times website published on 6 October 2007:
Article on Richmond & Twickenham Times website published on 6 October 2007:
Third day of Inquiry held in York House. Third party representations were made by Cllr David Marlow and Peter Lineham (Talbot Road). Closing statements were made by both sides of the Appeal. The inspector visited the site and surrounding area including the gardens and back bedrooms of No 49 and 51 Talbot Road.
Second day of Inquiry held in Salvation Army Hall. Third party representation made by Cathy Cooper of Talbot Road.
Public Inquiry held in York House, Twickenham. Opening statements were made by both sides of the Appeal. Third party representations were made by Cllr Clare Head, and two Hamilton Road residents – Ruth Thomson and Pandie Bronsdon.
Residents receive letter from Richmond Council giving the dates for the Public Inquiry to decide the outcome of the appeal by the developers.
Residents receive letter from Richmond Council stating that there will be a Public Inquiry into the appeal to be held at a later date.