Richmond Council have lodged their objection with the Planning Inspectorate on the same grounds as for the previous planning appeal by Hamilton Lofts Ltd. Worryingly, the Council state ‘In principle this Council has no objection to the conversion of the existing redundant industrial buildings into 21 flats, these buildings having come to the end of their useful life’. However the Council objects on the following grounds:
1) Affordable Housing
2) Planning Obligation
3) Sustainable Travel
Additionally they state ‘In the absence of a satisfactory scheme for redevelopment, the proposed demolition works would neither preserve nor enhance the setting of existing site buildings, which are designated buildings of townscape merit, and the appearance and character of the Hamilton Road Conservation Area’.
See here for the full statement from the Council
Further objection documents are available on the Council planning website:
Application 10/1691/FUL
Application 10/1692/CAC